Wednesday, 28 August 2013

something I cannot understand

This is something I have a lot of difficulty understanding, how must the woman feel? She is being treated as nothing more than an object. I know it’s the local custom and normally I am a respecter of local custom, after all there is no saying that western values are correct, but this is something I will never understand.  Why is it right that women are treated like this and traded as nothing more than a possession and advertised in the local paper?    

Interesting driving school

I was in the Middle East last week, things are done differently there and what we would take to be “normal” rules for western society do not always apply. The advert above for a local driving school it is not clear to me why free transport is only available for Men only, I am guessing that there would never be an unaccompanied woman so they would not need to provide transport as her escort could provide the transportation. I also wonder how much training is actually provided before the test. To be fair most people are in the country for work and will already be able to drive so it should just be a conversion to the local licence.