Sunday, 13 July 2014

Customer Service

I am traveling on American Airlines this week and I am shocked how far their levels of customer service have fallen since I last flew on them. They still have the friendly and casual attitude that most Americans have but one of the crew members has his top button undone and two others were handing out coffee whilst having a conversation with each other and ignoring the customer. I am sure that this is because of the Bidding system used by all US carriers. The work rosters are issued and you submit a bid for the line you want, the more seniority you have the higher the chance of getting the line you bid. I am flying from London to Chicago midweek which will be a high bid line as a Chicago-London-Chicago five times in the course of a month is a full roster but only a three day week. The more senior you are in a US carrier the less chance of layoffs which are also first in last out and therefore the less you have to worry about your standards of service.
my final flight of the week was on one of their new B777's and with A Los Angeles based crew and the experience could not have been more different that the first flight, the crew were very attentive and the aircraft was new and equipped with new IFE and improved leg room.   

Still running

I am now on week 6 of the program and I am still running three times a week. The first week was run 1 minute and walk one minute seven times, week two doubled it too run two walk one  seven times week three was predictably run three walk one seven times. In week four the time started to rise with run five walk two but now only five times week and this week its run eight and walk 2 but only three times.  So far I have found it all quite easy but the step up to eight minutes has been a little tough especially as I have been running four repetitions and not the suggested three. The real challenge comes this week as I am on the road all week in the US and I need to find time in a busy schedule for running, I have invested in a GPS based free app Endomondo which overlays my run on a map and the poseur in me wants a run down the beach in Hawaii and Los Angeles so there is some incentive.